Some good news: Graphic designs for Musicians— cheaper than BigMac

2 min readMay 21, 2021

We artists understand each other.

The unnecessary spending of money is always a hard topic for us. They hurt us all!

I remember 9 years ago when my big brother Neil started out his career as a musician. He used to stay hungry at school, just to save money for graphics for his cover songs.

And hell yeah, the services of all graphic design agencies are expensive as hell. 80$ for a music visualizer? 200$ for 3 music visualizers? That’s ridiculous!! — By the way, those were the cheapest ones.

And I guess you are asking.. Why he didn’t try on his own in Adobe Photoshop? Yes, he tried…

But let’s be real: As a musician, your visualizer must stand out from other musicians. Because “we first eat with our eyes”. — So, it’s not easy to do it on your own in Adobe Photoshop. Especially when you are a musician, and you want to spend all the time in the world improving your music skills.

For 2 whole years, he kept every penny tight, in order to invest it in his career.


After 2 long years, one of his friends discovered the most wonderful place in the world: (click the name and discover 243 gigs available for 5$ Only).

Fiverr — the world biggest freelance platform

The biggest freelance platform in the world.

The Best part? — Thousands of the best freelance designers in the world offer their services there.

Reason Plus — to check Fiverr, is the fact that many of the designers deliver their artwork for less than 48h.

So.. you have your song/music ready, and you can’t wait to publish it? Get the best, professional-looking cover designs for 5$ only.

Stand out from your competition, and get the best out of every song.

Especially if you publish your music on Youtube, a good Thumbnail photo could increase the number of organic views by at least 40%.

So.. don’t wait anymore! Click here and get your career going.

Thanks for reading & I truly believe that I was helpful.

I am wishing you all the luck in the world!

Much Love, Laura




A random act of Kindness — 10k portraits for 10k random people